Monday, April 6, 2009

Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Pendidikan

Bahasa Inggris

Assalamualaikum wr wb.

With all due respect to the honorable judges representing, to all of the teachers here attending, and to all of the audiences, ladies and gentlemen, good morning everyone!

First of all, let us thank Allah SWT which because of His blessings, we all can gather here on this event.

Shalawat and prayer we will say to our greatest prophet, Muhammad SAW, his family, his friends, and all of his followers. Amen!

In this opportunity, I would like to tell you my speech about education.

The growing quantity of school age children and a large fast growing of each education graduates, were not followed by the enough and fast addition of infrastructure and education facilities. It causes problems for the government to provide "education and teaching" for all citizens as mandated by Basic State Law.

This issue is crucial because we have the various levels of social-economic-cultural differences. Then for the first time, the application of Repelita (rencana pembangunan lima tahun or five years development planning) with emphasis on economic development is seen as the foundation for other aspects of national development. In education reform focused attention on efforts to repair and increase the quality of regulation and the opportunity to education.

Concerning about this, it is so hard to achieve only if we use a conventional way of the technology and communication, information, radio and television. In 2007 the government has set a national budget for education of 20% for primary, junior secondary and senior secondary school. Programs and activities that are not made solely on the basis of growing number of school buildings, teachers, books and others.

We can identify several alternatives, as follows:

1. Adding the capacity of high school that applied together with the addition of new schools.

2. Increasing the capacity of private schools.

3. Development of open schools with the media of correspondence, modules, radio broadcasting, television and others.

4. The establishment of the practical skills courses outside of school for society.

Ki Hajar Dewantara (1889-1959) was an educational figure who established education institution in the Taman Siswa. He was familiar with the philosophy of "tut wuri handayani, hing madya mangun karsa, hing ngarso sung tulada".

Dewantara classify education goal with the term of "tri-nga" (three “nga”, as “nga” is the last letter in the Javanese alphabet).

The first "Nga" is "ngerti"(understanding or intellectual aspects),

The second "Nga" is "ngrasa" (experiencing or affection aspects),

And the third "nga" is "nglakoni" (or aspects of teaching psychomotoric).

Formulate educational goals that include aspects of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. According to Dewantara, it is the right of each person to set himself, therefore teaching must educate children to become independent in mind, thought and energy. Teaching should not only focus on intellectual mind because it can separate the educated people with others.

Finally, I hope the Indonesian people to improve and achieve more and create child-students more productive, creative, innovative and useful for the nation and country, creating high quality human resources that can be independent and meet the needs of universe.

Bahasa Indonesia

Pertambahan anak umur sekolah yang cepat dan pertambahan lulusan tiap jenjang pendidikan yang besar, tapi tidak diikuti penambahan prasarana dan sarana pendidikan yang cepat dan memadai, menimbulkan masalah bagi pemerintah untuk memberikan “pendidikan dan pengajaran” pada semua warga Negara sebagaimana diamanatkan oleh undang- undang Dasar.
Persoalan ini krusial mengingat beragamanya geografis nusantara yang luas dan terpencar dengan tingkat perkembangan sosial-ekonomi-kultural berbeda. Ketika itu untuk pertama kali pelaksanakan REPELITA dengan tekanan pada pembangunan ekonomi yang dipandang sebagai landasan bagi aspek- aspek lain dari pembangunan nasional. Dalam pembaruan pendidikan perhatian difokuskan pada upaya-upaya perbaikan dan peningkatan kualitas serta penataan kesempatan mendapat pendidikan. Mengenai yang terakhir ini sulitlah dicapai bila hanya melalui cara-cara konvesial yaitu memanfaatkan teknologi komunikasi dan teknologi ,informasi radio dan televisi. Pada tahun 2007 pemerintah telah menetapkan APBN untuk pendidikan sebesar 20% bagi SD, SLTP dan SLTA. Program dan kegiatan yang dilakukan tidak semata-mata atas dasar pertambahan jumlah gedung sekolah, guru, buku dan lain-lain.

Alternatif yang didentifikasikan adalah :

1. Penambahan daya tampung SLP yang dilakukan baik dengan penambahan sekolah baru
2. Peningkatan daya tampung sekolah- sekolah swasta
3. Pengembangan sekolah terbuka dengan media korespodensi, modul, siaran radio, siaran televisi dan lain-lain
4. Pembukaan kursus- kursus ketrampilan praktis diluar sekolah sebagai jalur penyaluran kemasyarkat..

Ki Hajar Dewantara (1889-1959) seorang tokoh pendidikan Indonesia yang memprokarsai berdirinya lembaga pendidikan Taman siswa. Dia lebih terkenal dengan filsafat” tut wuri handayani, hing madya mangun karsa, hing ngarso sung tulada. Dewantara mengklasifikasikan tujuan pandidikan dengan istilah “ tri-nga”(tiga “nga-nga adalah huruf terakhir dalam abjad jawa ajisak). “Nga” pertama adalah ngerti” (memahami /aspek intelektual). “Nga kedua” adalah “ngrasa” adalah (merasakan aspek afeksi), dan “nga” ketiga adalah “nglakonin” (mengajarkan atau aspek psikomotorik). Merumuskan tujuan pendidikan yang meliputi aspek kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor. Menurut Dewantara, adalah hak tiap orang untuk mengatur diri sendiri, oleh karena itu pengajaran harus mendidik anak menjadi manusia yang merdeka batin, pikiran, dan tenaga. Pengajaran jangan terlampau mengutamakan kecerdasan pikiran karena hal itu dapat memisahkan orang tepelajar dengan rakyat.
Akhir sampai disini, semoga bangsa Indonesia lebih meningkatkan dan mencerdaskan serta menciptakan anak-anak didik yang produktif, kreatif, dan inovatif yang berguna bagi bangsa dan Negara, Menciptakan sumberdaya manusia yang berkualitas dan mandiri yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan global

Sunday, February 1, 2009

prediksi un smp bhs inggris

The Jackson Family
Mr. Jackson is an American teacher, but he lives and works in Denpasar. He teaches English at SMP 8. He is a very good teacher. His students like him.
His wife is an Indonesian. She comes from Medan. They have one son and one daughter. The children go to a primary school.
Mr. Jackson’s house is made of wood. It has five rooms: a kitchen, a bathroom, a living room and two bedrooms. The Jacksons has a house maid to help Mrs Jackson to do the house work. The maid comes from Bantul.

1. What does Mr. Jackson do? He is ....
a. a father c. a student
b. a teacher d. a house maid

2. Where do the Jacksons stay?
a. In Denpasar c. In Bantul
b. In Medan d. In America

3. “She comes from Medan.” (line 3) The underlined word refers to Mr. Jackson’s ....
a. teacher c. daughter
b. student d. wife

4. Edo : ..., sir. I come late.
Teacher : That’s all right. Go to your seat.
a. Let me explain c. I’m sorry
b. I’m happy d. Sorry to trouble you

5. Reza : I’ve got a problem with my computer. ... you repair it?
Rudy : Yes, but have you brought it to a computer technician before?
Reza : Not yet.
Rudy : Bring your computer here and I will check it.
a. Will c. Shall
b. Can d. Must

6. Egis : By the way, can I buy a nice dress in Bandung?
Nadila : Of course … some outlets in Bandung which offer many kinds of beautiful clothes.
Egis : Really? I can’t wait to go there.
a. There is c. There are
b. They are d. Those are

7. Susanti : Can I have some apples, please?
Salesman : … do you want?
Susanti : The Australian ones, please!
a. How many c. How many
b. Which d. What

8. Dessi : How often do you swim a week?
Windi : Actually twice. But last week I only ... once, because I prepared myself for the exams.
a. swim c. swam
b. will swim d. have swum

9. Rita : Mom, I would like to make an omelet. What ingredients do I need to prepare?
Mother : Prepare two or three eggs, five ... of onion, a little salt, a little chilli, and some coconut oil.
a. sheets c. slices
b. packs d. sacks

There are many unavoidable factors that can cause migraines, for example, menstrual cycles, weather changes, and stress. There are things that we eat or drink that can contribute to migraine. We can prevent migraines by avoiding these items.
Migraines can be caused by what we eat, drink, or medicine we take. Migraine can be stimulated by caffeine, chocolate, old cheeses, ready-to-eat meats, monosodium glutamate, alcohol, citrus fruits and juices, bananas, yogurt, onions and other things. Among medications, medicines to kill pain and birth control pills are some of the causes.
Adapted from an interview with neurologist David W. Buchholz, M.D., from Johns Hopkins Health Information, Internet.

10. Which one doesn’t belong to the factors that can cause migraine?
a. Menstrual cycles.
b. Weather changes.
c. Life style.
d. Stress.

11. Which items can stimulate migraines?
a. Milk, sugar, butter and old cheese.
b. Citrus fruits, banana, peanut and grape.
c. Yogurt, caffeine, chocolate and alcohol.
d. Bread, onions, candy and salad.
12. From the short text above, we know that migraines ....
a. are easy to be treated
b. are not caused by medicines
c. can be caused by food and drink
d. cannot be prevented

13. What kind of disease do you think “migraine” is?
a. Headache. c. Toothache.
b. Broken bones. d. Nose bleeding.

14. “There are many unavoidable factors ...” (paragraph 1) The underlined word means .
a. cannot be prevented
b. cannot be avoided
c. can be avoided
d. can be prevented

15. X : I want to take my pill. ……...
Y : Sure! A minute, please.
a. Do you want some?
b. Can you get me a glass of water, please?
c. Can you take me to the doctor, please?
d. Will you buy it for me, please?

16. Anton : What kind of clothes do you like to wear on your birthday party?
Anita : Traditional clothes.
Anton : Traditional clothes?
Anita : Yeah, I ... ask the dressmaker to get it ready next week.
a. can c. will
b. must d. may

17. Utomo : I think this shirt needs ironing.
Rika : No, I … it. Touch it. It’s still warm.
a. iron c. will iron
b. am ironing d. have ironed

Dear Enny,
Thank you for your letter of 15 May. Sorry I did not reply your letter sooner. I’ve been very busy lately.
Every school holiday I have to visit my grandmother in Pakujati, a village at the foot of Mount Slamet in Central Java. Sometimes I go there with my parents.
Last holiday we visited them again. We went there by train. Let me tell you something about it.
The landscape looks beautiful. The terraces of large paddy fields with their colorful scarecrows and tall bamboo trees at certain corner seem magnificent. It is different from our crowded city, isn’t it? The people, most of them are farmers, are very kind. They spend most of their time in the paddy fields. They really like to work hard.
To me, going to Pakujati is interesting. Don’t you want to join me one day? I hope you will.
Warmly yours,

18. When did Enny write the letter to Denny?
a. On May 15 c. Before May 15
b. After May 15 d. During May 15

19. What did Denny tell Enny in the third paragraph?
a. His grandmother’s village.
b. His visit to his grandmother.
c. The people of the village.
d. His job in the city.

20. “The landscape looks beautiful. ... look magnificent.”
a. The landscape
b. The scarecrows
c. The bamboo trees
d. The terraces of paddy fields

21. Most of the people in Pakujati ....
a. work on the farm
b. make scarecrows
c. help their relatives
d. work on the the train

22. “I go there with my parents”
The word “there” refers to ....
a. Pakujati
b. Mount Slamet
c. Central Java
d. the city

23. Intan : Mom, can I go to the zoo next Sunday?
Mother: I’m afraid you can’t. We ... your grandmother next Sunday.
a. visit c. visited
b. have visited d. are going to visit

24. Mr. Blake : Is there a hotel around here?
Tono : Yes, there is. It’s Mawar Hotel.
Mr. Blake : ... is it from here?
Tono : Just 2 blocks.
a. How far c. How near
b. How distant d. How fast

25. Novi : Can I go to the movie with my friends?
Mother: ..., but go home directly after the movie.
Novi : I will. Thanks, Mom.
a. Yes, certainly c. I’m afraid not
b. I don’t think so d. I’m afraid you can’t

26. Where would this announcement be put up?
a. In all schools
b. In all parks
c. At the shopping complex
d. At the Glory Supermarket

27. “No age limit”
What does it mean?
a. Aged man is not allowed.
b. Those who are under age are forbidden.
c. Age will not be considered.
d. Only those who are over sixteen years of age can take part.

28. The announcement is about..
a. a talent show
b. family members
c. entering a contest
d. residents of Green Park

29. Sarwono : I think we can find the motel easily next week.
Cahyono : … You know next week is the beginning of the holiday.
Eko : So, we’d better book the motel now.
Cahyono : That’s a good idea.
a. I’m quite sure you can.
b. I have no doubt.
c. I’m absolutely certain.
d. I doubt that.

Study this table!
Films The Audience in a week
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Die Hard 155 415 278 651 472 185 200
Rocky 262 400 160 115 215 200 100
Armagadon 400 450 650 580 700 100 115
Ghost 385 560 650 650 586 712 460

30. What is the most popular film?
a. Die Hard
b. Rocky
c. Armagadon
d. Ghost

31. When does the theatre get the most viewers?
a. The fifth day
b. The fourth day
c. The third day
d. The first day

32. Look at the picture!

A pressure cooker is ... than a stockpot.
a. cheaper
b. more expensive
c. most expensive
d. so expensive

Balekambang is a small village on the southern coast of East Java, seventy kilometers past the town Malang, two hours drive from it to south. It is well-known for its long beautiful white sandy beach as well as the similarity of its temple to Tanah Lot in Bali.
In Balekambang there are three small rocky islands namely Ismoyo Island, Wisanggeni Island, and Anoman Island, which are surrounded by the seas as well.
That is the Indonesian Ocean whose huge waves frighten many overseas cruisers.
Those names are taken from “wayang” figures (Java traditional puppets).

Taken from: Hello English Magazine, January 1991.

33. What is the second paragraph about?
a. The location of Balekambang.
b. How to go to Balekambang.
c. Balekambang and its beauty and location.
d. Three small rocky is lands in Balekambang.

34. Mrs. Syarif : Oh, what a nice washing machine!
Mrs. Hindun : It is. It’s just Rp1,199,000.00 Buy now.
Mrs. Syarif : It’s … for me. I can’t afford it.
a. rather cheap
b. really good
c. too expensive
d. so wonderful

35. X : Sari Pan Pacific Hotel makes tourist feel at home, ...?
Y : That’s what the brochure says.
a. isn’t it c. is it
b. doesn’t it d. does it

36. Andina : What about taking a taxi to Gambir?
Bachtiar : ... We still have much time.
Besides, we don’t have much money.
a. I’m with you. c. Good idea.
b. It’s okay. d. I’m afraid we don’t.

37. What is the advertisement about?
a. Published rate
b. Room type
c. Room rate
d. Hotel Kartika Wijaya

38. Which room is the most expensive?
a. Standard
b. Superior
c. Cottage
d. Executive

39. How many types of rooms are there in the hotel?
a. Three
b. Four
c. Five
d. Six

40. “..., sharing room with their parents or guardians.”
What does “their” refer to?
a. Children
b. Guests
c. Guides
d. Hotel workers

41. Anita : How was your trip to Manado?
Budi : Interesting. … enjoyed it.
That was our first trip to Manado.
a. Anybody
b. Everybody
c. Nobody
d. Somebody

42. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph.
1. At the ceremony, the coffin was carried up to the burial place.
2. He is kept in a coffin until the funeral ceremony.
3. Buffaloes are slaughtered and the meat is eaten as food by the people.
4. The coffin is placed in a hole with a wooden statue in front of it.
5. In Toraja, if a person dies, he is not buried directly.
a. 3–5–2–1–4 c. 1–4–3–2–5
b. 5–2–3–1–4 d. 2–1–5–4–3

43. Dona : Look! …
Mother : Yes, that’s right. Father told me that it was also comfortable.
Dona : Will it take us to Bali?
Mother : I think so.
a. How nice it is!
b. What a big plane it is!
c. How expensive it is!
d. What a horrible plane!

44. Adelaide expresses ... in the letter
a. a complaint
b. a happiness
c. a promise
d. a nightmare

45. Why was Adelaide very disappointed?
a. She had a nightmare.
b. Her bus has left for Solo.
c. She was deceived by the agent.
d. The bus was air-conditioned.

46. Which statement is NOT TRUE about Adelaide?
a. She did not watch video programs on the bus.
b. She went to Solo on July 4.
c. The bus she wanted was not air-conditioned.
d. She thought that Anggrek Indah’s service was nice.

47. Anggrek Indah is ....
a. the agent at the bus station
b. the bus with video programs
c. the only transportation to Solo
d. the name of the transportation company

48. Tina : Did you attend the funeral ceremony yesterday?
Rony : Yes, I did. But it took long time … I went home earlier.
a. and
b. but
c. then
d. so

Charley : Excuse me, are you Mr. Akbar, the branch manager?
Mr. Akbar : Yes.
Charley : My name is Charley. I am a … (49) from the Surabaya Post. May I interview you about your company?
Mr. Akbar : Sure. By the way, did you write … (50) about UFO last Sunday?
Charley : How do you know?
Mr. Akbar : You wrote your name there.

49. a. journalist
b. manager
c. photographer
d. columnist

50. a. a headline
b. an article
c. a letter
d. a newspaper

51. Andari : What’s the name of that flower?
Mulyani : I don’t know for certain. I think it’s a rose.
Andari : No, I don’t think so. Roses have thorns.
Mulyani : Perhaps it’s a hibiscus.
Andari : You are ... right. It looks like a hibiscus to me.
a. probably
b. certainly
c. really not
d. probably not

52. Winarsih : Oh, that rose is very nice. May I touch it?
Halim : ... It has very sharp thorns.
Winarsih : Really? I’ll see it.
a. I rather doubt that.
b. You are kidding.
c. Be careful.
d. Maybe.

53. Teacher : There are some rules to obey in a conservation.
You cannot pick anything in it.
Students : What about catching the animals.
Teacher : You ....
a. can do that too
b. cannot do it either
c. have to do it
d. you may do it

54. Dina : Do you know Rafflesia Arnoldi?
Rani : Yes, it smells very bad … it is a beautiful flower.
Dina : And it is also the biggest flower in the world.
a. although
b. but
c. and
d. or

55. Irma : Mardi Lestari was the fastest sprinter in 1989.
Yetty : He’s the fastest … in Indonesia but also in Asia.
a. both
b. either
c. neither
d. not only

According to the graph, the Asia’s Population ... from 1980 to 2000 rapidly.
a. improved
b. increased
c. developed
d. decreased
57. Yuni : How could an Indonesian sprinter, Kalimanto, defeat a Malaysian sprinter, Rosman
Alwi in the last SEA GAMES?
Sony : Everyone knows that Kalimanto ran … Rosman Alwi.
a. fast
b. as fast as
c. faster than
d. the fastest

58. These animals have become very rare in Indonesia because people used to hunt them for skin and sport.
They look like large cats and have yellow fur with black spots and long tails.
The animals are ....
a. lions
b. leopards
c. tigers
d. panthers

59. X : Why should we reduce the use of freon?
Y : Well, you know that freon ... the hole in our ozon layer bigger and bigger.
a. will make
b. has made
c. is making
d. made
60. Irwan : Is air also a natural resource?
Mr. Bakri : Well, in fact, it is one of our most natural resources.
We will die without enough air to breathe.
Irwan : But in big cities the air has been polluted.
Mr. Bakri : You’re right. The air in some cities has become polluted … factory chimneys pour smokes in the sky, cars and other vehicles emit gas that mixes with the air.
a. because
b. therefore
c. although
d. when

Saturday, January 31, 2009

mid test club grade 8

An English Club Test for Grade 8 Name: …………………………………..
Class: …………………..

Choose the best answer!
Didi was stranded on an island. He had been unconscious. When he woke up, he was lying on a deserted quiet beach. He could only hear birds chirping and waves crashing on the shore.
The next day, he caught huge crabs on the shore for food. He plucked coconuts from the towering trees to quench his thirst. It was cold and chilly at night so he wrapped himself with leaves.
One morning, he heard a deafening engine noise. He looked up and was elated to see a helicopter. He waved with some large leaves and jumped up and down to attract attention.
“Hey! I am over here. Please help me!” Didi yelled anxiously, waving a banana leaf in the air. The helicopter landed on the beach and brought him back home.
1. What had happened with Didi?
a. He was having sun bathing in an island.
b. He was stuck in an island.
c. He was slept in an island.
d. He was kidnapped in an island.
2. The helicopter had a … engine noise.
a. melodious
b. temperate c. loud
d. peaceful
3. A synonym of “plucked” is …
a. pulled. c. drank.
b. brought. d. held.
4. An antonym of “chilly” is …
a. sweet. c. cold.
b. frosty. d. warm.
5. She is nice. I want to be …… friend.
a. his. c. their.
b. her. d. my.
6. I …… apple yesterday.
a. eat. c. ate.
b. eaten. d. eats.
7. They …………. when he came.
a. were playing. c. are playing.
b. am playing. d. was playing.
8. I ……… to go.
a. have. c. am.
b. must. d. are.
Going Shopping
Ambar : Hi, Intan! Would you like to go shopping with me this evening? I need to have a pair of shoes.
Intan : I would love to. Will you pick me up?
Ambar : Yes, of course! At six o’clock?
Intan : I afraid I can’t. I need to deliver some packages to my new customer. What about at seven?
Ambar : That would be nice. Okay, see you later!
Intan : See you too!
9. Why did Intan refused to be picked up at six o’clock?
a. Because she needed to take a bath first.
b. Because she needed to buy a pair of shoes.
c. Because she needed to go shopping with Ambar.
d. Because she needed to bring packages to her customer.
10. When will Ambar pick Intan up at her house?
a. At six o’clock. c. At eight o’clock..
b. At seven o’clock. d. At seven thirty.
11. A synonym of “deliver’ is …
a. bring. c. drive.
b. take away. d. capture.
12. She …. to the cinema last night.
a. go.
b. went. c. moved.
d. going.
13. “Seven past twelve” is…
a. 07.12
b. 12.07 c. 11.43
d. 06.48
14. “a quarter to nine” is …
a. 09.15
b. 15.09 c. 08.45
d. 09.45
15. Say it: “01.58”
a. Fifty eight to one.
b. Two to two. c. Fifty eight past one.
d. Two past two.
16. My friend (like) modern furniture.
a. liked. c. likes.
b. is like. d. like.
17. A red light (mean): STOP!
a. meant. c. is meant.
b. means. d. mean.
18. The English class (begin) at nine.
a. begin. c. begun.
b. began. d. begins.
19. The ninth month in a year is …
a. October. c. June.
b. September. d. August.
20. …… moon is behind the clouds.
a. a. c. the.
b. an. d. some.

21. My mother (ask) me to clean the house yesterday.
a. asking. c. asks.
b. asked. d. ask.
22. Father (buy) me a set of water color last night.
a. buys. c. bought.
b. buy. d. brought.
23. How do you say it in English: 05.15?
a. A quarter to five. c. A quarter to six.
b. A quarter past five. d. A quarter past six.
24. Change this sentence into an interrogative form:
Budi is going out.
a. Does Budi go out? c. Did Budi go out?
b. Is Budi going out? d. Is Budi go out?
Going abroad
I have just received a letter from my brother, Joshua. He is in Australia. He has been there for six months. Joshua is an engineer. He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia. He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice Springs, a small town in the centre of Australia. He will soon visit Darwin. From there, he will fly to Perth. My brother has never been abroad before, so he is finding this trip very exciting.
25. Joshua is working as …
a. An engineer. c. A big firm.
b. A farmer. d. A driver.
26. How long has he been in Australia?
a. For three months. c. For a while.
b. Forever. d. For six months.
27. Where is he now?
a. In Alice Springs. c. in Perth.
b. In Darwin. d. in an Australian car.
28. He (buy) an Australian car six months ago.
a. buys. c. bought.
b. buy. d. brought.
29. Abroad means…
a. Foreign country. c. a kind of food.
b. A piece of wood. d. going for picnic.
30. Trip means …
a. journey. c. dance.
b. nodding head. d. adventure.

Success is not about being the best among others
but it is about being better than we were before.

Practicing on Listening

Grade 9 (extra exercises for some higher level classes)
This copy is belong to:
The teacher of the class

NOTE for the teacher:
In order to enhance their listening skills, please read these exercises for the students to copy and/ or directly to do the exercises.

I. Make TWO questions with ‘who’ about each of these sentences.
1. Mrs. Ratih is waiting for her husband.
2. The Ramones like to listen to the Rock ‘n Roll radio.
3. I see Marti at the bus station every day.
4. The students are talking with the teacher.
5. Mr. Budi wants to meet Mr. Ciputra.

II. Say in a different way:
1. This is my flower garden. This flower garden is ……….
2. They have a child. That child is ……….
3. This is our house. This house is ……….
4. These are my magazines. These magazines are ……….
5. Is that your room? Is that room ……….?

III. Use the verbs ‘hear’ or ‘listen to’ in the right form. Don’t use ‘hear’ in the real present.
1. He’s a little bit deaf, he can’t ………. you.
2. Every evening he ………. the Prambors.
3. Let’s ………. Mrs. Faika.
4. I ………. The postman at the door.
5. What ………. You ……….? Is it a piano concert?

IV. Put the verbs into the right form.
1. He (not have) a luncheon date.
2. You (want) to see my house?
3. She (teach) Spanish. She (teach) French, too?
4. Where (be) the boys? They (play) tennis.
5. It (take) ten minutes from here to your house?
6. He (be) in his room, he (listen) to the radio.
7. Mr. and Mrs. Kamajaya (come) tonight?
8. Mrs. Ratih (talk) with Mr. Kamajaya.
9. He (attend) a concert next week?
10. You (not recognize) him anymore in that suit.

Time (for grade 9)

Grade 9
This copy is belong to:
Name: …………………………………..
Class: …………………..

Andi: What time is it, Bayu?
Bayu: It’s just eleven o’clock.
Andi: Is your watch right? Mine is slow. My watch says a quarter to eleven. By the way, do you have a luncheon date?
Bayu: Yes, Chandra and I meeting Didi and Eko for lunch at eleven thirty.
Andi: Are they your classmates?
Bayu: Yes, they are. And, by the way, we’re going to have an extra class tomorrow morning.
Andi: What’s the subject of the class?
Bayu: English subject.
Andi: Who’s the teacher?
Bayu: The teacher is Mrs. Ratih. Do you want to go with us?
Andi: Yes, let’s go together. What time does the class start?
Bayu: At ten o’clock.
Andi: Where do you want us to meet you?
Bayu: Let’s meet in the hall of this school at half past nine.
Andi: All right. How long is the class?
Bayu: it lasts for about an hour and a half.
Andi: Well, it’s getting late. Probably, my father is waiting for me outside already.
Bayu: Yes, it is almost quarter past eleven. Where is your father now?
Andi: He’s waiting for me at the gate of this school. I’m late now. So good bye, Bayu.
Bayu: So long, Andi. See you tomorrow morning.
Andi: See you too.

I. Vocabulary and expressions:
What time is it? It’s nine o’clock.
What time does the bus leave? It leaves at six o’clock.
What time do you wake up? At five o’clock in the morning.
What time do you have lunch? At twelve o’clock in the afternoon.
What time does the movie play? At seven o’clock in the evening.
What time do you go to bed? At ten o’clock at night.
It’s just eleven o’clock. It’s still early.
It’s almost twelve o’clock. It’s already late.
It’s about five o’clock. It’s time to go home now.
It’s getting late. I’m getting tired.
It’s getting hot. You’re getting fat
It’s getting dark outside. Your coffee is getting cold.
I have a class from eight to nine So, it lasts for about one hour.

I want You to meet my friend
He wants me to go with him
They want her to work with them
We want them to have dinner with us

II. What time is it?
09.40 12.25 04.49 06.10
10.45 01.08 05.15 07.30
11.50 02.43 07.00 10.10

III. Make sentences just like the examples below.
Write a message.  I want you to write a message.
1. Send my parents a letter. 
2. Go to post office. 
3. Give them some money. 
4. Ask her name. 
5. Bring her to her parents. 

IV. Answer the following questions. Use him, her, etc. in your answers.
What do your parents want you to do?

When does your teacher want you to do exercise?

Who wanted you to wake up this morning?

How does your friend who sits beside you want you to call him/her?

Where did your mother want you to go yesterday?

V. Use verb ‘see’ or ‘look at’ in the right form.
1. Where is Theo? I don’t …………………………... him.
2. Mrs. Ratih …………………………... your work.
3. Why …………………………... you …………………………... me? Don’t’ you like my dress?
4. I …………………………... that you’re wearing a wrong uniform today.
5. The teacher is coming! Can you …………………………... him?

Simple Tenses

Grade 7 and 8 This copy is belong to:
Name: …………………………………..
Class: …………………..

Basically, there are only three tenses in English grammar. They are Past Tense, Present Tense and Future Tense.
Past Tense
It describes something that was going on at the past.
(+) I ate apple yesterday.
We went to the movie last night.
She was my classmate in kindergarten.

(-) I did not do my homework.
She did not call me last night.
They were not with me yesterday.

(?) Did Sari do her homework? Yes, she did.
Did we go to the movie last night? No, we did not.
Was he our teacher in primary school? Yes, he was.
Verbal S+ V2 + Object

Present Tense
It describes something that is going on at the moment of speaking.
(+) I eat apple.
Murni goes to school.
Budi is my best friend.

(-) We do not want to go to Bogor now.
For this time being, I don’t know.
She does not eat apple.

(?) Where are the boys? They are playing basketball.
What is Andi doing? She is studying her lessons.
Who is he? He is my best friend.
Verbal S+ V1 (s/es) + Object

Future Tense

It describes something that will be happened in the future (never happened before yet).
(+) I will do my homework tomorrow.
She will be my English teacher on the next semester.

(-) I won’t do my homework tomorrow.
I will not be busy next Sunday.

(?) Will you come to my house? Yes, I will.
Will I be a president? No, you will not, I guess.
Verbal Subject+shall/will+V1+Object
Note: if we use negative form, place ‘NOT’ between ‘will’ and ‘be’.

Exercise 1
Change words in the brackets into the correct form.
1. My mother (ask) me to clean the house yesterday.
2. She (go) to my house last week.
3. Father (buy) me a set of water color last night.
4. I (clean) the room now.
5. He (have) breakfast now.
6. The children (play) in the yard.
7. We (do) our homework tomorrow.
8. I (watch) the movie with my friends on the next weekend.
9. Father (read) the instruction before turn the machine up.
10. My teacher (give) me a candy if I can sit properly.

Exercise 2
Put the same sentences into the negative form.

Exercise 3
Put the same sentences into the interrogative form.

Now, make yourself some examples for each of the tenses.

Excuses, Thanks & Compliments

Grade 7 and 8

Excuses (maaf/ penyesalan)
• May I beg you a pardon? • I was just saying that … (repeating what have been said before).
• Pardon?
• I am sorry. • It’s okay.
• It’s alright.
• It doesn’t matter to me.
• Never mind.
• Don’t worry.
• I am sorry for coming late.
• It’s all my fault
• It’s very regrettable.
• Please, forgive me. • I forgive you.
• Please, don’t be angry. • I am not. It’s okay.
• Excuse, me. • Yes, please.
• I am sorry that you didn’t come to see me. • Yes, me too.
Thanks (ucapan terima kasih)
• Thank you very much/ a lot/ anyway. • You’re welcome; or
• It’s okay; or
• Don’t mention it.
• With my pleasure.
• Thank you.
• Thanks.
• Many thanks.
• I’m very grateful.
• It was very kind of you.
• I don’t know how to thank you.
Compliments (pujian)
• I like your …....
• Your … is very nice. Thank you.

Mr. Krueger : Good morning, Mr. Reeves. How are you?
Mr. Reeves : Fine, thank you. How are you?
Mr. Krueger : Fine, thanks. I’m on my home. Do you want to see my new house?
Mr. Reeves : Yes, I do. Is it far?
Mr. Krueger : No, I walk to the college every morning. It takes about ten minutes.
Mr. Reeves : I like this street.
Mr. Krueger : It’s Elm Street. We’re on the number 13th. Here’s our house now.
Mr. Reeves : You have a beautiful yard, Mr. Krueger.
Mr. Krueger : Thank you. My family enjoys it very much. We spend a lot of time here in summer. Please come in.
Mr. Reeves : Your living room is very attractive. I like your large windows.
Mr. Krueger : We like plenty of light.
Mr. Reeves : Is your furniture new? It seems quite modern.
Mr. Krueger : Yes, it’s new. My wife and I like modern furniture. It’s very comfortable. In fact, we have a comfortable house.
Mr. Reeves : Do you have a bedroom downstairs?
Mr. Krueger : No. Our three bedrooms are upstairs. Downstairs we have a living room, a dining room and a kitchen. We have a bathroom downstairs, too. It has a toilet and a washbasin.
Mr. Reeves : Do you have a bathroom upstairs too?
Mr. Krueger : Yes, the upstairs bathroom has a tub and a shower. And, of course, it has a toilet and a washbasin too.
Mr. Reeves : Do you have a large family, Mr. Krueger?
Mr. Krueger : We have three children. Our two boys have their room, and the baby girl has her room. They use the yard as their playroom in summer.
Mr. Reeves : Do they have a playroom in the winter?
Mr. Krueger : They use the boy’s room. It’s quite large.
Mr. Reeves : I like your home very much.
Mr. Krueger : Do you own your house?
Mr. Reeves : no, we rent our house. But we want to buy a house soon.
Mr. Krueger : We enjoy ours. Please drop in again.
Mr. Reeves : Thank you very much.

Read out loud
1. Put the stress on the first word:
Flower garden This is my flower garden.
Vegetable garden My husband has a vegetable garden.
Sewing machine Do you own a sewing machine?
Dining room Your dining room is quite large.
Living room Mr. Krueger’s living room is very attractive.
Autumn weather We like autumn weather.
Winter weather This is real winter weather.
Reading lamp Mr. Reeves has a modern reading lamp.
2. some, meaning more than one, is not stressed:
I have some new stamps.

some, meaning not all, is stressed:
Some stamps are beautiful.

We’re growing some flowers.
Some flowers begin to grow very early.
Do you have some books for me?
Some people get up very early.

Use the verb ‘have’
Mr. and Mrs. Krueger …. a new house.
You …. have a new watch.
Tom …. a computer.
They …. a big dog.

Use ‘a’ or ‘the’
1. We have …… house, and …… house is on Pahlawan Street.
2. …… sun is in …… sky.
3. Is that …… pencil? No, it’s …… pen.
4. Do you have …… typewriter? Where is …… typewriter?
5. …… moon is behind the clouds.
6. Where is …… English class?
7. Dick is …… student.
8. …… window is closed.
9. Is …… earth round?
10. This is …… new teacher.

The Simple Present describes
- Something permanent: He lives in Surabaya.
- Or something habitual: We eat rice every day.

Turn the verbs into the right form:
1. He (go) to the office at eight o’clock.
2. We (have) breakfast early in the morning.
3. My friend (like) modern furniture.
4. A red light (mean): STOP!
5. The class (begin) at nine.

Give answers to the following questions:
1. Do you like your house?
2. Do your brothers/sisters study at the university?
3. Does this English Club class begin at nine o’clock?
4. Do you want to go to the mall?
5. Do you use your computer every day?


Mr. Krueger : My wife is coming home now. I hear her at the door. Hello, Cathy. I want you to meet my friend, Mr. Reeves.
Mrs. Krueger : How do you do, Mr. Reeves.
Mr. Reeves : How do you do, Mrs. Krueger. I’m glad to meet you. Your husband is showing me your home. It’s very nice.
Mrs. Krueger : Thank you. We like it. We enjoy our yard too. We have two gardens at the back; there we grow some flowers and vegetables. Do you want to see our gardens?
Mr. Reeves : Yes, thank you. I like flowers very much. Is the weather good for your garden?
Mrs. Krueger : Yes, it’s very good. In spring we have a lot of rain. Some flowers begin to grow very early.
Mr. Reeves : Do you have vegetables early too?
Mrs. Krueger : Yes, we have a lot of vegetables in early summer. It rains very little then. The weather is warm, and the sun shines every day. In autumn the nights are cold.
Mr. Reeves : Do you like winter weather, Mrs. Krueger?
Mrs. Krueger : No, I like warm weather.
Mr. Krueger : My wife likes three seasons – spring, summer and autumn. She likes to spend a lot of time in her garden.
Mr. Reeves : the summer is very hot. I like spring and autumn weather.
Mr. Krueger : Today is a nice day. The sky is clear, the sun is shining and the wind is blowing.


Grade 7 and 8


Learn and read aloud the following expressions:
Invitations (undangan)
Would you like to come to …
May I ask you to come to …
I want to invite you to come to…
I would like you to come to …
I would like if you come to …
I want you to come to …
Please come to …
Let’s come to …
Shall we go to … Sure.
Of course.
All right.
Why not?
I’m afraid I can’t.
I’m sorry, I can’t.
I don’t think so.
Of course not!
Requests (permintaan)
Would you please, …?
Would you …. , please?
Please, …
May I ask you to …, please?
I would like if you …, please?
It would be nice if you …, please?
Can I ask you to…, please?
Can you …, please?
I want you to …, please? Sure.
Of course.
All right.
Why not?
No, I wouldn’t.
No, I cannot.
Of course not.
I won’t.
Asking a permission (meminta ijin)
Please, excuse me to …
May I …
I would like to …
Would you let me …
I’d like to ask your permission for … (V-ing), please?
I ask your permission to …
Can I …, please?
Would you let me …, please?
It would be easier if you allow me to …
Let me …, please?
I need to …, please?
Excuse me, but I think I have to …, please? Sure.
Of course.
All right.
Why not?
Yes, please.
No, you wouldn’t.
No, you cannot.
Of course not.
Please, don’t!
I don’t think so.

Read the following conversation with your classmates:

Ambar : Hi, Intan! How are you today?
Intan : Hi, Ambar! I’m great. How about you?
Ambar : I’m happy this morning. Would you like to go shopping with me this evening? I need to have a pair of shoes.
Intan : I would love to. Will you pick me up?
Ambar : Yes, of course! At six o’clock?
Intan : I afraid I can’t. I need to deliver some packages to my new customer. What about at seven?
Ambar : That would be nice. Okay, see you later!
Intan : See you too!

Answer the following questions about the conversation:
1. Who are the speakers?
2. Will they go for shopping?
3. What are kind of things Ambar need to buy?
4. Why did Intan refuse to be picked up at six o’clock?
5. When will Ambar pick Intan up at her house?

Conversation Exercise:
1. Invite your friend to do homework with you.
2. Invite your friend to find latest information about a scholarship on internet.

Read the following conversation with your classmates:
Rudy : Good afternoon, may I speak to Ibnu, please?
Ibnu : Ibnu is speaking. May I know to whom I speak, please?
Rudy : Hi, Ibnu! This is Rudy.
Ibnu : Hi, Rudy! What’s up, dude?
Rudy : I have a big… big… big problem. Would you please call me back? Because I don’t have enough credit on my cell phone. He..he..
Ibnu : Oh, dear! Okay, okay. Please, wait a minute.

(Several minutes later)
Ibnu : Okay, now would you tell me what’s going on?
Rudy : I really need your help, dude. Please come to my house as soon as possible. I cannot turn my computer on. I have no idea what’s happened.
Ibnu : Could you tell me, what did you do the last time to your computer?
Rudy : I have just copied some files from internet into my computer via my flash disk, and somehow, I cannot see anything on my screen.
Ibnu : Please, check your cable. It might be you just have pulled it out by accident.
Rudy : Let me check it first. Mmm…. Yes, you are right! Now, it’s on already. Thank you very much, dude! You are my hero!
Ibnu : Oh, come on! You don’t have to mention it. It’s my pleasure to help you.
Rudy : Okay, see you at school!
Ibnu : See you too!

I would love to : Saya setuju
Shopping : Berbelanja
Pick someone up : Menjemput seseorang
Deliver : Mengantar
Package : Paket/ barang kiriman
Phone Credit : Pulsa telepon
Speaker : Pembicara
What’s up : Apa kabar
Call someone back : Menelepon balik
Have no idea : Tidak tahu
As soon as possible : Secepat mungkin
Turn something on : Menyalakan sesuatu
Copy : Menyalin
Via : Melalui
Somehow : Entah bagaimana
Screen : Layar
Check : Memeriksa
Pull out : Mencabut
By accident : Tidak sengaja
Dude : Sobat, teman, sahabat
Mention : Menyebutkan
It’s my pleasure : Dengan senang hati

Tips today:
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeatedly in every single day.
- So, there’s no need to cheat, right?


Grade 7 and 8


Learn and read aloud the following expressions:
Invitations (undangan)
Would you like to come to …
May I ask you to come to …
I want to invite you to come to…
I would like you to come to …
I would like if you come to …
I want you to come to …
Please come to …
Let’s come to …
Shall we go to … Sure.
Of course.
All right.
Why not?
I’m afraid I can’t.
I’m sorry, I can’t.
I don’t think so.
Of course not!
Requests (permintaan)
Would you please, …?
Would you …. , please?
Please, …
May I ask you to …, please?
I would like if you …, please?
It would be nice if you …, please?
Can I ask you to…, please?
Can you …, please?
I want you to …, please? Sure.
Of course.
All right.
Why not?
No, I wouldn’t.
No, I cannot.
Of course not.
I won’t.
Asking a permission (meminta ijin)
Please, excuse me to …
May I …
I would like to …
Would you let me …
I’d like to ask your permission for … (V-ing), please?
I ask your permission to …
Can I …, please?
Would you let me …, please?
It would be easier if you allow me to …
Let me …, please?
I need to …, please?
Excuse me, but I think I have to …, please? Sure.
Of course.
All right.
Why not?
Yes, please.
No, you wouldn’t.
No, you cannot.
Of course not.
Please, don’t!
I don’t think so.

Read the following conversation with your classmates:

Ambar : Hi, Intan! How are you today?
Intan : Hi, Ambar! I’m great. How about you?
Ambar : I’m happy this morning. Would you like to go shopping with me this evening? I need to have a pair of shoes.
Intan : I would love to. Will you pick me up?
Ambar : Yes, of course! At six o’clock?
Intan : I afraid I can’t. I need to deliver some packages to my new customer. What about at seven?
Ambar : That would be nice. Okay, see you later!
Intan : See you too!

Answer the following questions about the conversation:
1. Who are the speakers?
2. Will they go for shopping?
3. What are kind of things Ambar need to buy?
4. Why did Intan refuse to be picked up at six o’clock?
5. When will Ambar pick Intan up at her house?

Conversation Exercise:
1. Invite your friend to do homework with you.
2. Invite your friend to find latest information about a scholarship on internet.

Read the following conversation with your classmates:
Rudy : Good afternoon, may I speak to Ibnu, please?
Ibnu : Ibnu is speaking. May I know to whom I speak, please?
Rudy : Hi, Ibnu! This is Rudy.
Ibnu : Hi, Rudy! What’s up, dude?
Rudy : I have a big… big… big problem. Would you please call me back? Because I don’t have enough credit on my cell phone. He..he..
Ibnu : Oh, dear! Okay, okay. Please, wait a minute.

(Several minutes later)
Ibnu : Okay, now would you tell me what’s going on?
Rudy : I really need your help, dude. Please come to my house as soon as possible. I cannot turn my computer on. I have no idea what’s happened.
Ibnu : Could you tell me, what did you do the last time to your computer?
Rudy : I have just copied some files from internet into my computer via my flash disk, and somehow, I cannot see anything on my screen.
Ibnu : Please, check your cable. It might be you just have pulled it out by accident.
Rudy : Let me check it first. Mmm…. Yes, you are right! Now, it’s on already. Thank you very much, dude! You are my hero!
Ibnu : Oh, come on! You don’t have to mention it. It’s my pleasure to help you.
Rudy : Okay, see you at school!
Ibnu : See you too!

I would love to : Saya setuju
Shopping : Berbelanja
Pick someone up : Menjemput seseorang
Deliver : Mengantar
Package : Paket/ barang kiriman
Phone Credit : Pulsa telepon
Speaker : Pembicara
What’s up : Apa kabar
Call someone back : Menelepon balik
Have no idea : Tidak tahu
As soon as possible : Secepat mungkin
Turn something on : Menyalakan sesuatu
Copy : Menyalin
Via : Melalui
Somehow : Entah bagaimana
Screen : Layar
Check : Memeriksa
Pull out : Mencabut
By accident : Tidak sengaja
Dude : Sobat, teman, sahabat
Mention : Menyebutkan
It’s my pleasure : Dengan senang hati

Tips today:
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeatedly in every single day.
- So, there’s no need to cheat, right?



Learn and read aloud the following expressions:
Greetings (salam/ tegur sapa)
• Hello! • Hello!
• Hi! • Hi!
• Good morning! • Good morning!
• Good Afternoon! • Good Afternoon!
• Good day/ noon! • Good day/ noon!
• Good evening! • Good evening!
• How are you? • I’m fine, thank you. And you?
• How do you do? • How do you do?
• I’m happy/ glad/ pleased/ delighted to see/ meet you. • (same sentence) + too.
• It’s my/ a pleasure to see/ meet you. • (same sentence) + too.
• How is your father/ mother/ sister/ brother? • He’s fine, thank you.
• Is he/ she alright? • He’s alright, thanks.
• What’s wrong? • Nothing’s wrong.
• What’s up? • All great.
• What’s the matter? • It’s OK.
• Is anything alright? • Yes, everything’s alright.
• What happened? • Nothing’s happened.
• What brings you here? • I want to …
Parting (perpisahan)
• Good bye! • Bye!
• Bye-bye! • Bye!
• I hope I’ll see you again! • Sure!
• See you again! • See you too!
• See you later! • See you too!
• See you soon! • See you too!
• See you tonight! • See you too!
• See you tomorrow! • See you too!
• See you next week/ month/ year! • See you too!
• So long! • Bye!
• Good luck! • You too!
• Best of luck! • You too!
• May God bless you! • May God bless you.
• God bless you! • God bless you too!
• Good night! • Good night!
• Please give my best regards to your mother! • I will.
• I must say goodbye. • Ok, bye!

Read the following conversation with your classmates:

Indra : Hello, Satrio.
Satrio : Hello, Indra, how are you?
Indra : I’m fine, thank you. How are you?
Satrio : I’m fine, thanks. I’m on my way to class.
Indra : What time is the class?
Satrio : The class begins at nine o’clock.
Indra : Is it an English speaking class?
Satrio : Yes.
Indra : Is Mrs. Suzie the teacher?
Satrio : No, Mrs. Suzie teaches Math. Mrs. Wati is the teacher.
Indra : Is that Mrs. Wati? I want to meet him.
Satrio : All right.
(Indra and Satrio walk towards Mrs. Wati and Mrs.Suzie)

Satrio : Mrs. Wati, Mrs. Suzie, I want to introduce Indra.
Mrs. Wati : How do you do, Indra.
Mrs. Suzie : How do you do, Indra.
Indra : How do you do, Mrs. Wati, Mrs. Suzie.
I’m glad to meet you.
Mrs. Wati : Are you a student, Indra?
Indra : Yes, I study Science.
Mrs. Suzie : Is Science a difficult subject?
Indra : Yes, I think so. I study hard. I have a class this morning.
Mrs. Wati : Well, the English class begins soon.
Mrs. Suzie : Yes, and my class too. I think I am already late.
Mrs. Wati : Please excuse us. I hope to see you again, Indra.
Indra : Thank you. Good bye, Mrs. Wati and Mrs. Suzie. So long, Satrio.
Satrio : Bye!

Answer the following questions about the conversation:

1. Who are the speakers?
2. Who is Mrs. Suzie?
3. Is Mrs. Wati a student?
4. Who is she?
5. What’s her subject?
6. Is it a difficult subject?
7. Where is Satrio going?
8. What time is his class?
9. What is Satrio’s subject?
10. Is it a difficult subject?

Conversation Exercise:

1. Are you a student?
2. What are you studying now?
3. Who is your teacher?
4. Is it a difficult subject?
5. Do you have to study hard?
6. What time is your English class?
7. What do you say to a person when you meet him for the first time?
8. What do you say to a friend when you meet him?
9. What do you say when you leave?
10. What do you say when you want to introduce a friend?



Greetings (salam/ tegur sapa)
• Good morning! • Good morning!
• Good Afternoon! • Good Afternoon!
• Good day/ noon! • Good day/ noon!
• Good evening! • Good evening!
• How are you? • I’m fine, thank you. And you?
• How are things at home/ school? • Everything’s fine.
• How do you do? • How do you do?
• I’m happy/ glad/ pleased/ delighted to see/ meet you. • I’m glad to see you too.
• It’s my/ a pleasure to see/ meet you. • It’s my pleasure to see you too.
• How is your father/ mother/ sister/ brother? • He’s fine, thank you.
• Is he/ she alright? • He’s alright, thanks.
• What’s wrong? • Nothing’s wrong.
• What’s up? • All great.
• What’s the matter? • It’s OK.
• Is anything alright? • Yes, everything’s alright.
• What happened? • Nothing’s happened.
• What brings you here? • I want to …

Congratulations (ucapan selamat)
• Happy New Year! • Happy New Year!
• Happy Birthday! • Thank you.
• Happy Anniversary! • Thank you.
• Happy Feast Day! • Thank you.
• Congratulation! • Thank you.
• Congratulation on your engagement! • Thank you.
• Congratulation on your marriage! • Thank you.
• Congratulation on your promotion! • Thank you.
• Congratulation on getting a new job/ a scholarship! • Thank you.
• Congratulation on your passing exams! • Thank you.
• Congratulation on the birth of your son/ daughter! • Thank you.

Parting (perpisahan)
• Good bye! • Bye!
• Bye-bye! • Bye!
• I hope I’ll see you again! • Sure!
• See you again! • See you too!
• See you later! • See you too!
• See you soon! • See you too!
• See you tonight! • See you too!
• See you tomorrow! • See you too!
• See you next week/ month/ year! • See you too!
• So long! • Bye!
• Good luck! • You too!
• Best of luck! • You too!
• May God bless you! • May God bless you!
• God bless you! • God bless you too!
• Good night! • Good night!
• Please give my best regards to your mother! • I will.
• I must say goodbye. • Ok, bye!

Excuses (maaf/ penyesalan)
• May I beg you a pardon? • I was just saying that … (repeating what have been said before).

• Pardon?
• I am sorry. • It’s okay.
• I am sorry for coming late.
• It’s all my fault
• It’s very regrettable.
• Please, forgive me. • I forgive you.
• Please, don’t be angry. • I am not. It’s okay.
• Excuse, me. • Yes, please.
• I am sorry that you didn’t come to see me. • Yes, me too.

Thanks (ucapan terima kasih)
• Thank you very much/ a lot/ anyway. • You’re welcome; or
• It’s okay; or
• Don’t mention it.
• Thank you.
• Thanks.
• Many thanks.
• I’m very grateful.
• It was very kind of you.
• I don’t know how to thank you.

Requests (permohonan/ permintaan)
• Please, wait a minute. • It’s okay, I don’t mind.
• Would you wait a minute?
• Would you mind waiting a minute?
• I would like to borrow this book, please? • Yes, please.
• I would like to borrow this book if I may.
• I wonder if I could borrow this book.

Suggestions (saran/ anjuran)
• Let’s go to the cinema. • Okay, let’s go!
• Shall we go to the movie? • Yes, please.
• I think you had better take a taxi. • Yes, I think so. Thanks.
• I think you should take him to the hospital. • Yes, I think so.
• How about taking him to the hospital? • Yes, that’s a good idea.

Introduction (perkenalan)
• May I introduce myself to you …
• Can I introduce myself to you …
• I would like to introduce myself to you …
• Let me introduce myself to you ...
You are a new student and you introduce yourself.
Hi friends, I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is ……I live in ……my home is not far from here. I was born in……I like this town very much. I have……brother(s)/ sister(s). My favorite food/music/sport is……and my hobby is……I want to be a……in the future. I think that’s enough for my introducing and thanks very much for your attention.
1. You are applying as a new secretary. You must introduce yourself to your boss at interview.
2. You are an artist and introduce yourself in a journalist interview.

Listening & Reading Practice

Grade 8
Nama: ……………………………..
Kelas Asal: …………………..
Kelas Club: …………………..

The Lucky Envelope

A golden envelope fell through the letter box. On the front it said, “You’ve Won!”
“Open it!” shouted Mum, Dalia and Ahmed. Dad opened it. They had won a free holiday.
“I hope it’s to the seaside,” said Dalia. “I can swim and make sand castle.”
“No, I hope it’s a camping holiday,” said Dad. “I can sleep in a tent and get lots of fresh air.”
“No, I’d like to go on a cruise,” said Ahmed. “I can watch dolphins and eat lots of nice food.”
“Well, I’d like to go to a big city,” said Mum. “I can go shopping and go to the theatre.”
Then they started to argue. They couldn’t decide. Beach! Camping! Cruise! City!
They argued until it was dark. Then the phone rang. Dalia answered it.
“Hello this is Lucky Holidays. You’ve won a holiday to sunny Alexandria.”
“That’s where my grandma lives.”
“This is Grandma!”
“Oh Grandma, You tricked us!”
“You are all invited to spend your summer holiday with me.”
They packed their suitcases and spent two fun weeks at Grandma’s.
Ahmed got his nice food, Dad got his fresh air, Mum went shopping and Dalia swam in the sea.
Everyone was happy.

Who says what?
I’d like to go to camping. Mum
I’d like to go to a big city. Ahmed
I’d like to go to seaside. Dalia
I’d like to go on a cruise. Dad.

What can they do?
I can eat lots of nice food. Ahmed
I can go shopping.
I can get lots of fresh air. Mum
I can sleep in a tent.
I can watch dolphins. Dalia
I can go to the theatre
I can swim in the sea Dad.
I can make sandcastles.

Where would you like to go?
I’d like to go to ………………………………………
What can you do there?
I can …………………………………………………

The Lucky Seed

A long time ago, a farmer took a big bag of seeds to sell at the market.
Suddenly, his cart’s wheel hit a big stone. Bump! One of the seeds fell out of the bag, and onto the hot, dry ground.
“I’m scared,” said the seed. “I need to be safe under the soil.” Just then a buffalo walked on the seed and pushed it into the ground.
“I’m thirsty,” said the seed. “I need some water to help me grow.” Just then it started to rain.
The next morning the seed had a little green shoot. All day it sat in the sun and grew taller and taller.
The next day, it has its first leaf. This helped it to catch sunlight and grow.
That evening a hungry bird tried to eat it. But the seed had roots to help it stay in the ground.
Many years of sunshine and rain passed. The seed became a plant, and then the plant became a tree.
Today if you visit the countryside you can see the tree. It is big and strong and now makes seeds of its own.

1. How come that the seed fell from the farmer’s cart?
2. Why the seed was scared when it fell off of the cart?
3. What are the things a seed need to grow to be a tree?

Write on your own how to grow a seed to be a tree!

Sentences are made up of clauses…
Clauses are made up of phrases…
Phrases are made up of words…

007_29 Feb 2008.docx

Grade 7 Name: …………………………………..
Kelas Asal: …………..………………..
Kelas di Club: …………….…………..

Form positive sentences in Simple Past.
1. the teacher / our English / test

2. my computer / crash

3. Jeff and Linda / home / cycle

4. Eric / his homework / forget

5. she / a friend / phone

6. he / a coin / insert

7. you / new gadgets / develop

8. they / to my question / react

9. they / me / trust

10. she / her nose / blow

007_22 Feb 2008

Grade 7 Name: …………………………………..
Kelas Asal: …………..………………..
Kelas di Club: …………….…………..

Simple Past (Past Simple)
Simple past mengekspresikan suatu tindakan yang pernah, tidak pernah ataupun berulangkali terjadi di masa lampau.
Dapat juga digunakan untuk tindakan-tindakan yang terjadi setelah tindakan lain terjadi atau di saat suatu tindakan yang lainnya sedang terjadi/ berlangsung.

Bentuk dari Simple Past
Positive Negative Question
I spoke. I did not speak. Did I speak?

Untuk kata kerja irregular, gunakan bentuk lampau (lihat daftar irregular verbs pada kamusmu).

Untuk kata kerja regular, tambahkan saja “-ed”.

Pengecualian dalam ejaan saat menambahkan –ed Contoh
Setelah akhiran e hanya tambahkan -d love – loved
Setelah akhiran berkonsonan dengan vowel yang singkat dan bertekanan; atau huruf l setelah konsonan; menjadi dobel. admit – admitted
travel – travelled
Akhiran y setelah konsonan menjadi i hurry – hurried

Use of Simple Past (Penggunaan)
• tindakan yang pernah, tidak pernah ataupun berulangkali terjadi di masa lampau
contoh: He visited his parents every weekend.

• tindakan-tindakan yang terjadi setelah tindakan lain terjadi.
contoh: He came in, took off his coat and sat down.

• Tindakan di masa lalu yang terjadi di saat tindakan yang lain sedang terjadi/ berlangsung.
contoh: When I was having breakfast, the phone suddenly rang.

• Kalimat if type II (If I talked, …)
contoh: If I had a lot of money, I would share it with you.

Complete the sentences with was or were.
1. I ……… happy.
2. You ……… angry.
3. She ……… in London last week.
4. He ……… on holiday.
5. It ……… cold.
6. We ……… at school.
7. You ……… at the cinema.
8. They ……… at home.
9. The cat ……… on the roof.
10. The children ……… in the garden.

Write positive sentences in simple past.
1. he / the question / answer.
2. you / a question / ask.
3. the dog / bark.
4. they / us / call.
5. we / a mountain / climb.
6. John / stamps / collect.
7. we / in London / live.
8. I / hungry / be.
9. they / a hamster / have.
10. he / to school / go.

Rewrite the sentences in the negative.
1. They collected postcards.
2. You jumped high.
3. Albert played squash.
4. The teacher tested our English.
5. Fiona visited her grandma.

6. He washed the car.
7. You were thirsty.
8. He had a computer.
9. I bought bread.
10. You saw the house.

Write questions in simple past.
1. Anna / the window / open
2. she / home / walk
3. you / in the garden / work
4. you / a song / sing
5. she / on a chair / sit
6. you / the castle / visit
7. Jenny / the door / lock
8. she / happy / be
9. Greg / the ball / kick
10. the car / at the corner / stop

Make your own sentences (five sentences) about what you did today! Read them aloud in front of the class!
1. ……………………………………………………
2. ……………………………………………………
3. ……………………………………………………
4. ……………………………………………………
5. ……………………………………………………

007_08 Feb 2008.docx

Grade 7 Name: …………………………………..
Origin Class: …………………..
Class: …………………..

Choose the best answer by crossing (X) the letter.
1. He ……….. me some carrots last night.
a. brought c. thought.
b. bought d. told.
2. Excuse me, I need some ……. for my satay.
a. paper c. cutter.
b. pepper d. letter.
3. Let me do …….. about it.
a. something. c. anything.
b. nothing. d. everything.
4. It’s already late, see you ……..
a. letter. c. later.
b. matter. d. mother.
5. It doesn’t …….. for me, don’t worry.
a. mother. c. letter.
b. father. d. matter.
6. Will you …… me that book, please?
a. give. c. live.
b. gave. d. take.
7. My name is Bowo. I …… a student.
a. is. c. are.
b. am. d. was.
8. She is nice. I want to be …… friend.
a. his. c. their.
b. her. d. my.
9. I …………… apple now.
a. am eating. c. are eating.
b. were eating. d. was eating.
10. I ……… to go.
a. have. c. am.
b. been. d. are.
11. She ……… apple every day.
a. eat. c. eats.
b. eaten. d. is eating.
12. Mr. and Mrs. Krueger …. a new house.
a. have c. is
b. has d. are
13. You …. a new watch.
a. have c. is
b. has d. are
14. Tom …. a brand new computer.
a. have c. is
b. has d. are
15. They …. a big dog.
a. have c. is
b. has d. are
16. …… window is closed.
a. the c. some
b. any d. a
17. Is …… earth round?
a. the c. some
b. any d. a
18. This is …… new teacher.
a. the c. some
b. any d. a
19. He (go) to the office five minutes ago.
a. go c. went
b. going d. goes
20. Father (read) newspaper every morning.
a. reads c. readed
b. read d. red
21. My friend (like) modern furniture.
a. like c. liked
b. likes d. is like
22. A red light (mean): STOP!
a. means c. meant
b. mean d. meaning
23. My name is Aryo. I …… a student.
a. is. c. are.
b. am. d. was.
24. She is nice. I want to be …… friend.
a. his. c. their.
b. her. d. my.
25. I …………… apple now.
a. am eating. c. are eating.
b. were eating. d. was eating.
26. I …… apple yesterday.
a. eat. c. ate.
b. eaten. d. eats.
27. I …………. when he came.
a. is playing. c. are playing.
b. am playing. d. was playing.
28. I have ……… typing since 20.00 o’clock.
a. be. c. had.
b. been. d. was.
29. I ……… to go.
a. have. c. am.
b. been. d. are.
30. She ……… apple every day.
a. eat. c. eats.
b. eaten. d. is eating.

31. The class (begin) at nine.
a. begin c. begun
b. began d. begins

Read the example:
I am a new student here, Joni is a new student too.
I am a new student as same as Joni is.

1. I am an SMPN 2 student, Bernie is an SMPN 2 student too.
2. I have a blue bag, Vina has a blue bag too.
3. You were here yesterday, Siti was here too.
4. I’ve done many things before, she has done many things too.
5. I need a cup of coffee, you need a cup of coffee too.

Notice how we form (make) ‘general statements’:
A Dog is an animal or dogs are animals.
A writer writes a book or Writers write books
Make general statements, first in singular, then, if it is possible, in the plural. Orally.
Husband - man
Sugar - sweet
Wife - woman
Girl - like dresses
Cow - mammal
Cockatoo - bird
English - language
Indonesia - lovely country
Mr. Bobby - teacher
We - love this country

007_01 Feb 2008

Grade 7 Name: …………………………………..
Origin Class: …………………..
Class: …………………..

Choose the best answer by crossing (X) the letter.
1. He ……….. me some carrots last night.
a. brought c. thought.
b. bought d. told.
2. Excuse me, I need some ……. for my satay.
a. paper c. cutter.
b. pepper d. letter.
3. Let me do …….. about it.
a. something. c. anything.
b. nothing. d. everything.
4. It’s already late, see you ……..
a. letter. c. later.
b. matter. d. mother.
5. It doesn’t …….. for me, don’t worry.
a. mother. c. letter.
b. father. d. matter.
6. Will you …… me that book, please?
a. give. c. live.
b. gave. d. take.
7. My name is Bowo. I …… a student.
a. is. c. are.
b. am. d. was.
8. She is nice. I want to be …… friend.
a. his. c. their.
b. her. d. my.
9. I …………… apple now.
a. am eating. c. are eating.
b. were eating. d. was eating.
10. I ……… to go.
a. have. c. am.
b. been. d. are.
11. She ……… apple everyday.
a. eat. c. eats.
b. eaten. d. is eating.
12. Mr. and Mrs. Krueger …. a new house.
a. have c. is
b. has d. are
13. You …. a new watch.
a. have c. is
b. has d. are
14. Tom …. a brand new computer.
a. have c. is
b. has d. are
15. They …. a big dog.
a. have c. is
b. has d. are
16. …… window is closed.
a. the c. some
b. any d. a
17. Is …… earth round?
a. the c. some
b. any d. a
18. This is …… new teacher.
a. the c. some
b. any d. a
19. He (go) to the office five minutes ago.
a. go c. went
b. going d. goes
20. Father (read) newspaper every morning.
a. reads c. readed
b. read d. red
21. My friend (like) modern furniture.
a. like c. liked
b. likes d. is like
22. A red light (mean): STOP!
a. means c. meant
b. mean d. meaning
23. My name is Aryo. I …… a student.
a. is. c. are.
b. am. d. was.
24. She is nice. I want to be …… friend.
a. his. c. their.
b. her. d. my.
25. I …………… apple now.
a. am eating. c. are eating.
b. were eating. d. was eating.
26. I …… apple yesterday.
a. eat. c. ate.
b. eaten. d. eats.
27. I …………. when he came.
a. is playing. c. are playing.
b. am playing. d. was playing.
28. I have ……… typing since 20.00 o’clock.
a. be. c. had.
b. been. d. was.
29. I ……… to go.
a. have. c. am.
b. been. d. are.
30. She ……… apple every day.
a. eat. c. eats.
b. eaten. d. is eating.

31. The class (begin) at nine.
a. begin c. begun
b. began d. begins

Read the example:
I am a new student here, Joni is a new student too.
I am a new student as same as Joni is.

1. I am an SMPN 2 student, Bernie is an SMPN 2 student too.
2. I have a blue bag, Vina has a blue bag too.
3. You were here yesterday, Siti was here too.
4. I’ve done many things before, she has done many things too.
5. I need a cup of coffee, you need a cup of coffee too.

Notice how we form (make) ‘general statements’:
A Dog is an animal or dogs are animals.
A writer writes a book or Writers write books
Make general statements, first in singular, then, if it is possible, in the plural. Orally.
Husband - man
Sugar - sweet
Wife - woman
Girl - like dresses
Cow - mammal
Cockatoo - bird
English - language
Indonesia - lovely country
Mr. Bobby - teacher
We - love this country

007_26 Jan 2008

Grade 7
Name : ……………………………
Origin Class : …………………..
Class : …………………..

Do you still remember how to say these?

09.00 it is nine o’ clock
06.30 it is half past six
08.15 it is quarter past eight
10.45 it is quarter to eleven
07.10 it is ten past seven
06.50 it is ten to seven
Aryanto WS,SPd>D:\1_EDUCATION\ANTO\smp 2\English\CLUB\12\7|007_26 Jan 2008.docx

If you do, say these aloud:
04.40 00.25 04.49 06.20
12.45 01.58 05.15 07.30
11.50 05.43 03.00 10.10

Guess what time these are:
1. It is just one o’clock isn’t it? We’re too early, I guess. :
2. I’ll pick you up at nine forty five, if you don’t mind. :
3. She arrived here at twelve past ten, while you were gone. :
4. No wonder he’s late, he woke up at quarter to seven. :
5. I guess, I cannot come at half past three. It’s because I have to pick up my wife first. :
6. I’ll see you tomorrow at quarter past five. Don’t forget to bring your sport shoes! :
7. Don’t worry, she’s on the way. However, it’s just twenty past nine, right? :
8. I have got to pick my wife at four, and I will call you then. :
9. Sometimes, the driver can’t come at seven, because there’s always a traffic jam. :
10. I wonder why we must pick them at seven, because we always wait for them to dress :

Read these sentences:
It’s just eleven o’clock. It’s still early.
It’s almost twelve o’clock. It’s late.
I always pick her up at four thirty.
I never get up before eight on Sundays.
Do you usually eat breakfast?

Read this passage.
‘What are you doing?’ my landlord asked.
‘I’m leaving, Mr. Han,’ I answered.
‘Why are you leaving?’ she asked. ‘You have been here only a week.’
‘A week too long, Mr. Han,’ I said. ‘There are too many rules in this boarding house. My old friends never come to visit me. Dinner is always at six o’clock, so I frequently went to bed hungry. You don’t like noise, so I rarely listen to the radio. The fan doesn’t work, so I always feel hot. This is a terrible place for a boy like me. Goodbye, Sir.’

Note the position of the words in italics in these sentences:
I frequently go to bed hungry.
I rarely listen to the radio.
I always feel hot.
I never get up early on Sundays.
I sometimes stay in bed until lunch time.

pre-verb adverbs (frequency) are:
often, seldom, rarely, ever, never, always, sometimes, generally, usually, just, almost, nearly, quite, hardly, scarcely.

Usually, we use those adverbs to answer the question ‘How often?’.
So, where should we put them in a sentence?
We place them right before the verb of the sentence.

(Nowadays, ‘never’ is commonly used merely as a reinforced form of ‘not’. Ex: you need never call me as sir, just call me my name.)
Aryanto WS,SPd>D:\1_EDUCATION\ANTO\smp 2\English\CLUB\12\7|007_26 Jan 2008.docx

Write these sentences with the given words in the right place:
1. She answers my letters rarely

2. We work after six o’clock. never

3. Do you go to work by car? always

4. We spend our holidays at home. sometimes

5. I buy magazines. often

6. I have seen an elephant. never

7. We try to work well. always

8. I do my homework. usually

9. A true friend stays long. always

10. He gets up before six. never

The pre-verb adverbs (frequency) also come after the verb be.
She is always late.
He is always a good student.
Aryanto WS,SPd>D:\1_EDUCATION\ANTO\smp 2\English\CLUB\12\7|007_26 Jan 2008.docx

Write these sentences with the given words in the right place:

1. We are very busy. generally

2. They are sad. never

3. I am going for a walk. just

4. You are look happy. never

5. Dinner is at six o’ clock. always

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