Saturday, January 31, 2009

007_22 Feb 2008

Grade 7 Name: …………………………………..
Kelas Asal: …………..………………..
Kelas di Club: …………….…………..

Simple Past (Past Simple)
Simple past mengekspresikan suatu tindakan yang pernah, tidak pernah ataupun berulangkali terjadi di masa lampau.
Dapat juga digunakan untuk tindakan-tindakan yang terjadi setelah tindakan lain terjadi atau di saat suatu tindakan yang lainnya sedang terjadi/ berlangsung.

Bentuk dari Simple Past
Positive Negative Question
I spoke. I did not speak. Did I speak?

Untuk kata kerja irregular, gunakan bentuk lampau (lihat daftar irregular verbs pada kamusmu).

Untuk kata kerja regular, tambahkan saja “-ed”.

Pengecualian dalam ejaan saat menambahkan –ed Contoh
Setelah akhiran e hanya tambahkan -d love – loved
Setelah akhiran berkonsonan dengan vowel yang singkat dan bertekanan; atau huruf l setelah konsonan; menjadi dobel. admit – admitted
travel – travelled
Akhiran y setelah konsonan menjadi i hurry – hurried

Use of Simple Past (Penggunaan)
• tindakan yang pernah, tidak pernah ataupun berulangkali terjadi di masa lampau
contoh: He visited his parents every weekend.

• tindakan-tindakan yang terjadi setelah tindakan lain terjadi.
contoh: He came in, took off his coat and sat down.

• Tindakan di masa lalu yang terjadi di saat tindakan yang lain sedang terjadi/ berlangsung.
contoh: When I was having breakfast, the phone suddenly rang.

• Kalimat if type II (If I talked, …)
contoh: If I had a lot of money, I would share it with you.

Complete the sentences with was or were.
1. I ……… happy.
2. You ……… angry.
3. She ……… in London last week.
4. He ……… on holiday.
5. It ……… cold.
6. We ……… at school.
7. You ……… at the cinema.
8. They ……… at home.
9. The cat ……… on the roof.
10. The children ……… in the garden.

Write positive sentences in simple past.
1. he / the question / answer.
2. you / a question / ask.
3. the dog / bark.
4. they / us / call.
5. we / a mountain / climb.
6. John / stamps / collect.
7. we / in London / live.
8. I / hungry / be.
9. they / a hamster / have.
10. he / to school / go.

Rewrite the sentences in the negative.
1. They collected postcards.
2. You jumped high.
3. Albert played squash.
4. The teacher tested our English.
5. Fiona visited her grandma.

6. He washed the car.
7. You were thirsty.
8. He had a computer.
9. I bought bread.
10. You saw the house.

Write questions in simple past.
1. Anna / the window / open
2. she / home / walk
3. you / in the garden / work
4. you / a song / sing
5. she / on a chair / sit
6. you / the castle / visit
7. Jenny / the door / lock
8. she / happy / be
9. Greg / the ball / kick
10. the car / at the corner / stop

Make your own sentences (five sentences) about what you did today! Read them aloud in front of the class!
1. ……………………………………………………
2. ……………………………………………………
3. ……………………………………………………
4. ……………………………………………………
5. ……………………………………………………

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